Last night I pulled a really senior moment out of my bag of tricks. It's inevitable that the memory fades each passing year. When I was working as a DJ for Stuart Anderson's Cattle Company Restaurants (there's a blast from the past for ya!), I could name any song, any artist, the year the song was recorded, and all the other songs on the "album" that was spun on the two turntables in my booth. We were also able to play music videos on our VHS player. (Hey, does anyone remember the old Betamax players?? I used to sell them at my part time video store job - where people would actually BUY videos! They were $600 at the time (not saying the year here...).
So now I can't remember dates let alone song titles, lyrics, and forget about artists' names. You can hear me grunting to my husband, "remember that song, it goes like, you know, by that guy, about that thing? You know!" And not even he can read my mind anymore as he used to. Sometimes all I give him is, "you know, that place we go with those people!" "You'll have to give me a bit more information this time", he now answers me.
What! My vague ramblings aren't enough now? They worked before! I think. And so it goes. So last night we went to have a drink and quick snack before we were going to Fitzgerald's to check out the space for my event next month ( Jenna was meeting us at the restaurant and we were going to drive together. Then my husband got the call.
He answered and said, "Oh, hi, Jamie! What's up?" At that moment I sucked in my breath in a huge gasp and said, "Oh, shit!!!!" There were six other people waiting at Jamie's house for dinner and she was just wondering where we might be at. Apparently I didn't tell my hubby either. I thought I did. I really think I did.
Earlier that day, I was at work and as I always do, I was multi tasking, working on 3 different projects while selling bras and talking with customers. I looked at my Filofax (did I just type that? Does anyone even use these things anymore??) many times that day and saw the dinner date written (at least this time I actually entered it into the calender).
For some reason, my brain was not cooperating with itself yesterday. Aw, who the heck am I kidding? Just yesterday? How about all the time! I remember years ago being able to remember appointments, birthdays, everything! without having to write it down. I also remembered my childrens' and husbands appointments as well!
When my ma got older, her "age thingee" was her purse. "Where is my purse? Who's got my purse? Is my purse here?" was all we ever heard. For me, it's my keys. "Where are my keys? Where did I put them? I always leave them here! Who took them?"
I have solidly become my mother, something that I fought and prayed and begged the heavens not to have happen. But it has. And my children remind me of that ALWAYS as they tell me I am getting closer to being "put out on the ice". Well, at least I still know what my keys are used for, right?
So for anyone desiring my presence at their events, please invite me, put it in my Filofax, my Outlook calendar, my calendar hanging on the fridge and remind me the day before, the day of, and an hour before. Is that too much to ask?
Oh, and also, please pick me up because I can't find my keys to the car.
14 years ago