I was talking with a new friend last night after a poetry performance as we walked to her car. (Funny - I walked her to her car so she wouldn't be alone late at night in a gentrifying Chicago neighborhood and then walked back to the venue alone. My husband said, "what makes you think YOU don't need a chaperone?" And I said, "I am done with all assaults on me from now on and if anyone approaches, they will get "the look" that according to my children, can scare anyone away!") Okay, sorry, a little digression here...
We were talking about the man who robbed me and being in court this past week. I had been wondering why I was so intent on looking at this man in court. Why would I ever want to see his face again? I said in the last blog that I wanted him to look at me and see the strong woman that survived his attempt to scare and belittle me three years ago. I wanted him to know that he lost and I was better for this experience.
But in talking through it with my friend, I realized that I also wanted to see where that hate, anger and need to dominate his victims came from. I wanted to look at his face and see if I could find where that anger and possibly hurt came from.
My husband was with me and I asked him what he thought as he saw for the first time the man that did this to his wife. He said he wasn't quite sure yet but what he did see was a man who was still cocky in front of the judge. A "thug" is what he called him. The realization came to him that what was neatly “finished”…the thief was gone, his wife was okay, no major damage done…was not; he realized how serious, how threatening this man could have been to his wife and family.
I think what my husband saw in this man was not cockiness, but fear. This man's world is coming down on him fast and I believe he was scared. Hell, I would be! His disregard for protecting his identity during his crimes came back to haunt him. He did not disguise his face or take care about leaving fingerprints, which is what ultimately led the police to him. His list of crimes is long. Did his confidence in getting away with so many of his crimes lead to this cockiness that my husband saw? Is he just waiting it out to see what choices the state will offer him for his sentencing? Oh, he is definitely going to jail and from what I have heard, for a long time.
Digressing again. I believe I was hoping to find what crime was done to him to turn him into this hardened criminal. What awful thing happened to him early in his life to lead him down this path of drugs and crime? Who hurt him so bad that he needed to harm women?
Oh, I am not feeling sorry for him. He chose the life he is leading. We all make choices, good or bad. Even if the only choices in front of us seem bad or worse, we still individually make them. We all have free will. Even I had choices to make when he entered my life that day. And I also had choices to make afterward. I could have closed the store out of fear of another incident like this one. I could have become angry and turned that anger inward or outward onto others.
So I guess I wanted both the other day; to try to understand how he became the evil, hurtful, angry man he is today and to let him see that his assault on me made me even stronger. Every day in our lives provides us with lessons for learning and living by. And having to relive that event has provided more insight into myself. And as it patinas and ages and "cures", it will provide more insight for growth and understanding. I am not angry about it. Life continues to shape us daily whether we like it or not!
So, a plea to my guardian angels, goddesses, gods and whomever else is listening, PLEASE give me the likes on a daily basis from now on? Thank you!
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