As I leave this year behind me, with its' positives and negatives, all vying for a place in my life, I choose to enter 2013 with nothing but a wink to the past and the love of potentiality. I give thanks to all of the ups and downs, all the gifts of truths and consequences, all the people lost and found, and I breathe deeply into the possibility of infinite love and my own power. I have no control over anything else.
I cannot control or even guide the thoughts or events of this past year that I would love to see change. They are not mine to change, only to accept and love for the lessons they provided. I forgive all those who have hurt me intentionally or not. Though they may or may not be in my life currently, I need to let go of the hold they have on me. They can no longer hold me in a place that doesn't fit me anymore. As I let go of the grip that those events had on me, I am free to put that energy to loving the present and the gifts it holds.
I will wake with a new breath tomorrow and breathe in new air, new life and all the potential that has always been there, always been waiting for me to tap into, sighing, "It's about time you noticed!"

I've given up on what doesn't work and acknowledged I don't necessarily know what works now, but I ask that the universe show me what will. The nothingness I feel today holds lifetimes of potentials within, bursting at the seams to get out and breathe in that new air and become my miracle; become me, whoever me is in the fresh air of a new year.
Happy New Year!
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