Okay, let's not get too worked up about this. It has been slow to come and I am getting constant reminders of why I am becoming yiayia (Greek for grandma). My sons call them yiayia moments. My husband calls them Dee-isms. And I have grown tired of them reminding me of my own request of them to put me out on the water if I ever become like Dee.

that she wore for years and years and years and.....well, I think you get it.....
My hubby didn't believe me when I said they were going in the garbage as soon as I got to the gym. He said he was going to find them in my drawer and on me again and again. Sorry, dude, they are now in the garbage can going to a landfill! I am ashamed that I didn't give them to Goodwill, but I was scared they they WOULD end up in my drawer again so they were immediately disposed of.
But it got me to thinking more about our similarities. I, like Mother, can no longer remember people's names. It used to give me a chuckle when Dee would ask me who the person was that was coming towards her as she was smiling that fake, I have no idea who the hell you are, smile, at them. I would wait till the very last minute when she was gritting profanities though that smile and then give her the name.
Not too long ago, we were at my son's gig and my brother was there. My brother in law came in and had never met my own brother, who asked who he was. And at that moment, I lost the name. It was gone. A person I see all the time. Just gone from my brain and nothing was going to get it back. It didn't come back to me till an hour later in the middle of a song, when it popped out of my mouth, like turret's syndrome. Of course, I was very excited that my brain still worked.

So, it has happened, and I now have to keep an eye out for the trip to the ocean where my sons might
offer me a solo boat ride. I WILL fight it all the way to the loony bin, of course. That is till I can't remember any more why I am wearing a brown track suit or sitting in a boat without a paddle.
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