"Mom and I barely see each other". This was the hint and warning to his father. Well, maybe not so much a warning to him as much a warning to all of us that our tiny house was now harboring four full time creative people. One son finishing high school. Another son finishing a second album. One father, home after being cast off in a private equity capitalist fiasco. And me, in probably the biggest transition ever. All together in one small space. I can feel the foundation creaking from the load.
It's funny that we all find ourselves in this huge transition, each working to discover the next move along the journey we voraciously carve out for ourselves. There is a lot of inner contemplative work going on. Big creative ideas brewing in one small house. Man, it's getting warm in here.
It's not a bad thing. Creativity spawns more creativity. But quiet time in a house full of musicians is a scarce commodity. I've said it before. Times, they are a changing. You can feel it. I saw a sign on the highway the other day. Do one thing each day that scares you. Ha! Life is a fright fest every hour in this house!!!

My house is dancing right now; shaking, rattling and rolling to the sounds of new albums, new paths being excavated, new ideas, new perspectives. It's going to be hard to contain it one it blows! Our task is to clear the way for our own greatness to emerge. Onward and upward!
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