I believe the teacher appears when you are ready. The "teacher" is always there - it's just a matter of being able to see them. I believe there is a collective of lessons "out there" that are available for access if you are open and willing to see them.
I was telling a friend about one of these "teachings" that occurred a few days ago and she reminded me that this is always happening to me. I guess it is - when I look back over the last few years, I can see how my questions seem to have a multitude of answers from a multitude of sources. I am a firm believer also that when you plant a seed, it grows, even if you don't tend to it on a regular basis. But that is another topic altogether.
After a difficult conversation the other night, I went to work the next day with a sad heart. There was confusion, regret, a what the heck am I to do feeling that left me flustered and unable to concentrate. Then she came into the store. A slight, 82 year old lady in search of a comfortable bra. This is not her first time in the store. I had ordered her one to try on. as I worked with her in the dressing room, we chatted about her need for ease and comfort now that her health was declining. She knew exactly what she did and didn't want regardless of how I tried to accommodate her needs.
We talked about my mother who was her age and the illness that took her life a few years back. We talked about the times in which they both grew up and how she had gone on to college to become a school psychologist while my mother was not afforded the things she really wanted due to prejudices and her upbringing. We talked about health and the changes women go through and how it is hard to decipher between hormonal imbalances and the desire to have more out of life now that the children are grown and growth dictates change. I told her of the difficulties of facing those changes now and the lack of direction in this unknown territory. She asked about my life and my zig zagged path that has lead me to where I am today. And the desire for more but what is more?
She must have heard my frustration behind my smile and humor. And she told me I was treading on nothing but air, having left behind the somewhat solid footing of yesterday, the worn path of my past, and choosing a new path, the path not yet forged. I told her I could see the vague form of what I was longing for and she reminded me that getting there was like walking on air with no sure footing. and she said I was okay. All was good. I was good. Words I had longed for in my life to hear from my own mother, coming from this small, soft spoken women with the wisdom of a giant. She was a force to be reckoned with.
She dressed and came out of the dressing room and asked if she could sit for a bit on my couch. I said of course. She asked if she could buy me a coffee for my troubles in finding her the right
bra. I said let me buy you a cup and she insisted that it was her treat but yes, she would appreciate my offer to go across the street and get us both coffee. I told her to man the store in my absence and she made herself comfy on the couch that I grew up with in my parent's home.
We then proceeded to talk for almost an hour about our lives. We talked about colors an their relationships to their corresponding chakras. We couldn't remember what color the 6th and 7th chakras were. We both loved the
color purple - she was wearing a purple tee shirt that almost matched the colors of my store walls, a color I used to use in all of my childhood drawings of people to the displeasure of my teachers. I asked her if she would come back to a women's group I was forming at the store and share her wisdom. She shared information that was dead on for my needs.
Did she know how much her words lifted my spirit? I asked if I could walk her to her car. She said it wasn't necessary but I said at least let me stop traffic so you can cross the street. She said how was I going to do that and I told her I own a lingerie shop and today I happened to be showing extra cleavage! She laughed and I helped her across the street. A small token for all she helped me with that day.
She called later that day with information about someone she said I needed to see and couldn't remember the name at the time. And to tell me which colors correlated to the third eye and crown chakras. The crown chakra is violet and is associated with inner light, which is what one experiences when they are in the deepest part of their being, as a point of consciousness, glowing with intelligence. It's the level of the soul representing spiritual awakening. It can also be consider the bottomless well from which intuitive knowledge is drawn.
I thanked her again for sharing a coffee with me. No, I did not make a sale from her that day, but my gain was immeasurable beyond words.
Baubo's Garden
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